Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Morning!!!!!!!!!!! the second last day I at Sekolah Rendah Sungai I around2 the school but, not just round2..huhu..I offer myself to do some I liminate the paper of Cikgu Rozana for class decoration. Besides that, I also active the window computer at the office, and also take over of the standard 1 class because the teacher have a outside job. The wonderful moment about today is I get some text from my student....the text is...


# kepada a.k.a daripada....(heheeh..)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Start the day with happy today as usually..nothing much thing to do..because maybe they give me some space to around2 over the today I continue my FYP project until I have feel to finish it..

Monday, February 25, 2013

Last Week..

# 24/02/2013 Report

Hai.....yesterday is I update it on today..huhu...normally nothing stuff that I have to do today..just clean up the lab and make sure the lab is ready to use by the teacher and student. Besides that, today I continue my work of FYP that's all for today..(bored =0)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Second Last Week.....

Assalamualaikum.....this week is the second last week before I end my industrial training at this school....maybe I will be miss about this school with the student, teacher, and the surrounding of this school.
So, before that no be sad today I have to update what I have done on this week..


So today I have started with wonderful day....first I have to open the computer lab in the morning and clean up to make sure that the student may use the lab. Today I never mush work to do...just ensure the lab be secure using by the student, because sometimes the student may play on the lab when the teacher late come in. Beside that, I will continue with my FYP Project, if the teacher didn't ask some help.


On 19/02/2013..I start with the same work as usually..heheh...nothing mush work today to do..Today I help the teacher with some stuff, helping typing,print and liminate the paper, it just the while. In the lab today, I have to check some of the computer that have problems with software updated and hardware problems. However if have free time, I continue my FYP Project.


Today is fresh day on the my teacher supervisor ask me to check the CPU of some teacher on her classroom because the CPU no display anything on the screen. To ensure what the problems of the CPU is I have to make it on the computer lab. The CPU problem is about the RAM have broken. so we decide to replace the new CPU to teacher, but the teacher need the data on the old CPU so I have to transfer it to the new CPU...this work will continue on the next day.


Today I have another work to do...I have to help the staff in the office to key-in the data on the today the whole day I have stay on the office..


Today I have to continue withe CPU that I have to repair..I have to transfer the data to the new CPU and update the software on the new CPU so that the teacher may use it's easily. It's take a time to upgrade it,but the work I have finish it today with helping by the lab computer teacher that know about the computer very while, although his face very very fierce..huhu..

School Holiday!!!!!!!

School Holiday for Chinese New Year on 11/02/2013 - 15/02/2013


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

#Updating Blog Report..

Assalammuailaikum........... Good a long time that I have not update by report blog for internship today I will share my work on 4/2/2013 until 8/2/2013 of my internship.


Today is normally it's is the started day on the week. So today I start with the usually duty such as clean up the computer lab and prepared for the class before the start. Today I never have much thing to do, just make out something simple just install the software that the some teacher need for the internet download and helping the teacher with some stuff. In this day too...I have been requested by the some teacher to check his laptop and CPU, which that both of it have an some problem. The laptop have make some checking so not much of the problem, besides the CPU have to checking on next day because the CPU can't display on screen.


The fresh air on the Tuesday... started day with the usually duty...just I say before that some teacher request me to check her laptop and CPU so today she bring to school both hardware. Both checking is..the Laptop is already okey but the CPU have to make double checking to ensure what the problems of the it. When I on the CPU it's start with smoothly....nothing problems are been detected, but when second time, which that on it again the CPU not "life" mean that the hardware in the CPU have some problem.


Beautiful morning of Wednesday....started with the same duty...CPU before I have bring it home, so that have can solve the problem easily...Today I helping the teacher to teach the student about the computer, of standard 2 and 3. Sometime, when during the free time, I continue with my FYP project system.


On Thursday....also with the normal the checking of the CPU have been done, so the totally of  CPU problems is of power supply, because when I on it on the first time, it's is ok..but when on on the second time. the CPU did't work..but when hold it for the long time...the CPU will be to solve it, first, the windows also have the problem, so I have to format it and install of the software that need and I explain to teacher about the hardware problem which that mean the power supply have been broken.


On Friday....same duty...not much thing to do today. Continue with my FYP project system. Besides that, also helping teacher Nadia to teach standard 2 in the computer lab...   

Monday, February 4, 2013

#Last week for January

# 28/01/2013 

start with happy day =)
- clean up the computer lab before the class are start
- today nothing much to do
- control the student in the lab computer to ensure that have nothing problems

(the diligent class leader)

# 29/01/2013

( job for today)

- clean up the lab computer
- make checking of old CPU
- identified which the CPU that can use or broken
-they  5 that have a problem because of hardisk and power supply

# 30/01/2013

- today I and student standard 3 cooperate together to clean up the whole of computer lab
-  after that I teach them how to use the Microsoft Excel in the class session with Teacher Nadia

(the student)

(helping each others)

(broom boy  =p)

(in the class session with Teacher Nadia)

(the student try to explore Microsoft Excel by them self )

(more focus.......)

(next generation....)

(Teacher Nadia lesson..)

# 31/01/2013

- today start the day with the same daily
- teach the standard 1 to use the computer
- need more patient..=)

(standard 1 student)

(teach how to use Microsoft Word )

# 1/02/2013
Today is Maulidur Rasul Celebration

(Maulidur Rasul Day)

(standard 1 class)

(the student start to march)

(banner for back)

(instruction before start)

(banner 1#)